Thursday, December 5, 2019


by  Thornswrath 

The sin of gazing at a prince
Taken as insolence
Sentenced to the boats!
There is no escape

Force-fed milk and honey
Wedged between hulls to rot in the sun
Face drenched and smothered
Nowhere but within left to run

In this execution lies
an ideal motivation
to those who survive
Look dead ahead
Never to question

Force-fed milk and honey
Left in the boats to rot in the sun
Foul defecation of worms and insects
Their sickening banquet's begun

An orgy of self-immolation
Over the course of a fortnight
Wasp maggot fly vermin festival
The hapless human left consumed
To putrefy under the seething mass

And On The Window Licks The Night

by  Shaun Lawton 

 In the dark corrosion of malformed memories
whose echoes return to haunt us 
in the middle of the night 
when the rafters have been chilled
with the wind's own bite can we know 
what it's like to be so filled with fright
 our own will stops working and yet 

we proceed as if possessed when lying
 in bed on our backs frozen stiff 
with a slow creeping fear when
you hear rustling in the eaves
 as the others get undressed 
in the disappearing moonlight

moving across the floor tiles 
of the room being swallowed 
in a rising tide of swirling ink 
just when you think we're all 
at our most vulnerable the window 
slides up inviting the dark of outer
space inside the gates unlock 

in the pitch black of night letting 
the blurred Shades in to our world
unseen and unwhispered down halls 
of schools, homes, churches, cars, beds, 
and living rooms, dressed and arrested
 one more time for a final breakfast.