by shaun lawton
he doesn't scare me
freaking Jesus he makes me laugh
if only he saw what i see
the clown white bone beneath our skin
i do not pretend
nor do i try to escape
i embrace the grin we all must make
when our sweet lips part
to kiss the past adieu
if only he knew, if only
he knew i'd shriek out
a single tear drop with glee
and magnify it into his dreams
until it filled up his vision
with the distorted reflection
of we. . . and i'd shed it, so heavily
and let it fall in slow dance
without gravity and cherish
the look on his face when it ruptured
with timeless impact into the dust
at his feet. i will show him
who is master of dreams.
but in the meantime (ha ha)
i can sure keep him busy.
i admire him, i am jealous
of his role as a fool
i honor him